The Laboratory
Development Diaries
You arrive at The Laboratory to find the front door left slightly ajar, hammering and banging sounds ringing clearly from within. Pushing the door open enough to take a peek inside, you see hunks of scrap metal and other various objects strewn about the floor. You pull back with the intent to leave the occupant to their work, but an object catches your eye - a worn book labeled "NOTES" sitting on the edge of a table near the door.

With your curiosity piqued, you step into the Laboratory and pick up the book. Its spine is broken from periods of heavy use, and several pages have come loose from the binding. Page after page is filled with notes written by who you assume is the proprietor of the Laboratory...
On Xenogears - Entry 4
Entry 3
Entry 2
Entry 1

One page falls out as you flip through the book, landing on the floor face-up. On it appears to be a scribbled list of names you've don't recognize: What could these be? People? Places? And why are they crossed out...?
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